Do you need to possess all job requirements to be a competitive applicant?

Dear Sam: I am writing my resume and am receiving [...]

By |2021-12-02T12:26:20-05:00November 15, 2021|Blog, Career Development Guidance, Personal Branding, Resume Writing Advice|Comments Off on Do you need to possess all job requirements to be a competitive applicant?

Lack of job search success is often not a reflection of your abilities but rather how you are telling your story

Dear Sam: I need help. To be honest, I am [...]

By |2021-12-02T12:20:10-05:00November 8, 2021|Blog, Career Development Guidance, Personal Branding, Resume Writing Advice|Comments Off on Lack of job search success is often not a reflection of your abilities but rather how you are telling your story

A great resume can change the game for an entry-level candidate

Dear Sam: I am 21 years old and have 3 [...]

By |2021-10-25T17:06:18-04:00October 25, 2021|Blog, Career Development Guidance, Job Search Advice, Personal Branding|Comments Off on A great resume can change the game for an entry-level candidate

Does a website add value to your professional candidacy and personal brand?

Dear Sam: As an adjunct professor, I have created a [...]

By |2021-10-18T08:05:31-04:00October 18, 2021|Blog, Career Development Guidance, Personal Branding, Resume Writing Advice|Comments Off on Does a website add value to your professional candidacy and personal brand?

When your recent graduation isn’t the key to your candidacy

Dear Sam: I am in my early 40s. I worked [...]

By |2021-10-11T07:32:14-04:00October 11, 2021|Blog, Career Development Guidance, Job Search Advice, Personal Branding, Resume Writing Advice|Comments Off on When your recent graduation isn’t the key to your candidacy

Do I explain the reason for my decision to change careers?

Dear Sam: I am in my mid-40s and have driven [...]

By |2021-10-11T07:28:44-04:00October 4, 2021|Blog, Career Development Guidance, Job Search Advice, Personal Branding, Resume Writing Advice|Comments Off on Do I explain the reason for my decision to change careers?

How to figure out what you want to be when you “grow up”

Dear Sam: I have many professional talents, skills, interests, and [...]

By |2021-09-13T10:17:35-04:00September 13, 2021|Blog, Career Development Guidance, Personal Branding|Comments Off on How to figure out what you want to be when you “grow up”

How to highlight transferable versus recent experiences

Dear Sam: Most of my career has been in the [...]

By |2021-09-09T09:20:32-04:00August 30, 2021|Blog, Career Development Guidance, Personal Branding, Resume Writing Advice|Comments Off on How to highlight transferable versus recent experiences

How to determine if a company culture is right for you

Dear Sam: I always hear 'company culture' this and 'company [...]

By |2021-09-09T09:26:17-04:00August 16, 2021|Career Development Guidance, Job Search Advice, Personal Branding|Comments Off on How to determine if a company culture is right for you
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